Friday, February 15, 2008

Some Pics!

Hello Everyone!!

Sorry that it has been sooooo long since I have written! There just never seems like enough time to do everything on the internet in an hour. Just really quick....
I have been observing classes in my three elementary schools for four weeks now. I taught my first classes last week about the importance of trees and how to construct tree nurseries and gardens. My goal is to have a garden and a tree nursery in each of my schools by the middle of April.

I am also coordinating with two NGOs in my community. Right now we are just in the planning phase but there is a ton of things I could help with.

Here is the beautiful view of my town from a walk to one of my schools! The town is set in the middle of the mountains and you can see the giant Catholic Church in the center.

Here is my puppy, Caramela, at four months old! Getting so big!

Here is my new host mom, Maria Flora, making corn tortillas over the fire they use to cook. She absolutely adores Caramela and loves to feed here anything!

Here is a photo of a typical plate of Nicaraguan food that I eat at least once a day. The rice and beans is called "gallo pinto," the cheese is "cuajada," and home-made corn tortillas!
So I have tried to introduce and teach my families how to make some more typical breakfast foods cause sometimes I just don't feel like gallo pinto for breakfast.

Here is my new host dad, Victor. He makes amazing hand-made furniture and can construct just about anything. He's the coolest....except when he decides to start constructing things with his power tools at 4am!

So here is a little insight into my life right now. Things are pretty busy so I am sorry that I can't update very often. But remember, you can always email me!

Take care!
