Saturday, December 15, 2007

A quick hello!...

So I don´t have much time to respond to everyone but everything is going well. I have spent this last week ¨house hunting.¨Man I have seen some interesting housing options. Some which have consisted of showering, well just behind the house! The hunt continues but I am anxious to get settled in. I have met a lot of people, however, in the communtiy during this process. And, yes, I have a month old puppy. She is still living at her mom´s house until I move but I visit her every week. I think I am going to name her ¨Caramela¨but have been debating also ¨Belinda.¨Let me know what you think! I just bought her a coller and leash today and am scoping out the Veterinarian options! She will be a decent size and I am not sure what kind of breed she is but she´s cute! I will post a pic hopefully next time!! So until then, I wish everyone a Happy Holidays!!

Nicole Maria


Unknown said...

i can't believe you went to a new country where they speak another language, are looking for a house in a village you had never seen before and decided to get a dog!!! Anyway i just got some time to actually read through like your last month of posts and can't believe all the awesome things you're doing. So much more exciting then my life (study, class, study, sleep, repeat). The lakehouse is now home and I'll be there for Christmas.
Good Luck with your house hunting it seems like it could potential be quite a challenge.


J. Morrison said...

Hey Hey, glad to hear that you are doing well. I agree with Liz... your life seems much more adventurous than mine at the moment. But life studying still presents many challenges and mental obstacles… just none that involve showering behind a house! What are veterinary services like in Nicaragua? ~Much love from Jamie and The Quaz

Unknown said...

I like Caramela :) But, we really do need to see a picture of the pup before we can decide :) Happy holidays from the Bytho Babes!

Unknown said...

haha I didn't realize that my comment would post under RedQueen79... you probably have no idea who that is (although the Bytho comment probably was a big hint)... it's Andrea :)

Feliz Navidad :)

Unknown said...

aww i like caramela too! buena suerte with the house hunting chica and have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

love and miss you- Tina