Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So I made it safely to D.C. and have had a blast the last two days getting to know all of my fellow volunteers. Everyone, including the staff is so nice, understanding and helpful! We even had a visit from the counsel general and cultural attache which is not common. They were very welcoming and excited for our arrival.

We are checking out of the hotel at 3:30am...yuck...and heading to Miami and then Nicaragua! We have a few days of orientation (retreat) and by Saturday we will be living with our host families! I am really excited to meet them but of course there are anxieties such as my rough spanish but it is all part of this great experience!

The next three months, Monday-Thursday, will be intense spanish training in groups of four. Fridays will be technical training with the larger group. So that's the basics....I will give you more details later!

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