Friday, August 31, 2007

Where the streets have no name

Apparently this song was about Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, because the addresses are based off something like how far from a close restaurant, not a street name. We got a bus tour of Managua and saw many historical sights from during the Somosa and Sandinista time period. I also got my host family information today and I am really excited to meet them tomorrow. I will have a mom, brother, sister, brother in law and nephew.

We also got placed in groups for language classes based on our level. Tonight is out last night in at the hotel, and tomorrow will be another transition. We have so many books and I feel like I am in college again as far as the overwhelming amount of information tossed at you on the first day and all of the books. But I am so excited for language class. The teachers have great group activities and there is only four people in my class. Technical classes are every Wednesday and Friday and some Saturdays. This week, our assignment is to already begin finding possible youth to gather for our first community youth group where we will start a vivero or tree nursery.

Since I am leaving the hotel, I am unsure when I will be updating this next but I will have sooooo much to say when I do!


Unknown said...

Wow Nicole. Can't believe you're in Nicaragua, so exciting!!! I've been thinking about you today. It's the first home football game (against UAB) and I'm experiencing withdrawl, wishing we were all up there in the stands cheering.

Good luck as you move to less luxurious accomodations.

Ryan said...

Im excited for you Coley! First day of class is tomorrow...ewww. I hope you are doing fine with hurricane Felix plowing into the northern border, message back!

J. Morrison said...

'Where the streets have no name' don't get lost! How cool to be traveling around and describe where you are by landmarks instead of formal street names.

Classes... and you thought you wanted to get out of school for a bit and join the peacecorps. Well I guess you can never escape learning.

~best wishes for a most fantastic experience
HB and The Quaz

Unknown said...

everything sounds soo exciting. I bet it's flying by too.

I totally agree with Jamie it's neat they don't use addresses.

Best wishes!!
