Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A typical day in my new Pueblo

So it´s been almost a week with my Nicaraguan host family!!!!...

I have my own room with a double bed, a window and a dresser for clothes. I wake up around 7 am (actually more like awake at 5:00 am because of the gallos or roosters that are screaming outside my window). I then ¨shower.¨ Basically I have a bucket with cool water and a pan that I use to dump water over my head in a small concrete room that is disconnected from the house. We do not have running water or electricity in the pueblo between 7am and 4pm. We have a t.v. and dvd player and most everyone has cell phones.

I have spanish class from 8am to 12pm, then I go home for lunch. We have class again from 1pm to about 3 or 4pm. We have a lady that does our laundry and cleans the house. Just washing clothes here takes forever! We have two dogs but pets here are very differnt then in the states. You really don´t pet them.

I then spend time talking with my family, in spanish, of course. Sometimes I take a siesta and then at night I study or sit on a rocking chair on the porche with my family. It´s a tough life :P No but I am really tired by the end of the day. Talking spanish all day can be really frustrating. Our professor doesn´t speak English. So not only are we learning a new language in the language we don´t know, we are being trained in our new job many times in spanish. We will already be starting a youth group next week!! We will be starting a vivero or tree nursery with the kids in the communtity.

I love my host family! They are so patient with my spanish and are always asking how I am doing and about my day or life in the states. It is so refreshing to see people that have so little but sonehow will find a way to give to others.

The hurricane really did not affect my small Pueblo on the Atlantic side. Just a lot of heavy rain like I have never heard before. Imagine pounding rain on the top or a tin roof! You can´t hear anything else...the tv or anyone talking. Some things are just so different. For example, while walking to class one morning it was just me and a pig walking down the street! I love the randomness!


Unknown said...

just Cole and pig walking down the street...interesting picture. haha

Glad to hear the hurricane really didn't effect where you are staying. When I heard about it on the news I was worried- my mom even asked about you.

Take Care!

J. Morrison said...

How nice to be chillin in a rocking chair in the evenings... i am envious.

Happy to hear that you are doing well. Pigs can be quite ferocious so watch out and stay safe.

Missin Coley
~HB and The Quaz