Friday, September 28, 2007

One Month in Nicaragua!!!

So much has happened this week and at times it has been slightly overwhelming. We had our third youth group meeiting on Tuesday. When we arrived at the school, both the director and sub-director had left for the day and the teachers didn´t hear about our meeting. After much confusion, we managed to get through our charla about self-esteem...with 40 students! It was absolutely insane! We left knowing that we were going to have to do some major changes and reorganization.

Later that night I fouind out that the school director was fired and the new director just happened to live two doors down and be my ¨aunt.¨ How convenient! I set up a meeting with her for the following day and spent some time explaining our difficulties. During our meeting with her at the school the following day, we had to basically start over...explain Cuerpo de Paz, our job and what we would like to do in the school for the next month.

We then meet with all the afternoon teachers in one of the more organized meetings I have seen so far in Nicaragua. We handed out a calender of our upcoming youth group meetings and a list of the kids in our group that would need to be excused from class. The best case scenario would be to have the meetings outside of class time, however, many students have to get home right away. So, hopefully, with everyones´ better understanding, we will not just have the teachers releasing all of their students for our meetings while they go take a break.

On top of the youth group reorganization, we gave our first real natural science class!! Alex and I prepared our charla on the food chain, a topic choosen ahead of time by the teacher, to about 25 fifth graders...and yes, completely in spanish! The kids really seemed to enjoy our fun dinamica and colorful posters and everyone participated in the group work. They were really well-behaved which is really saying a lot. In the classes I have observed (including theirs) there are usually people moving their desks, walking across the room to talk to their friends and shoutin to the kids outside. In addition, people from the Peace Corps Office in Guatemala came to observe our charla and training site to get some ideas for their program.

We then went back in the afternoon to the school for a game of soccor and a game of tag for the little ones. I think they are finally starting to get used to seeing us, a bunch of gringos, walking around...and hey, we might be kinda cool too!

So that was my crazy week! I have successfully made it for a month in Nicaragua!!!!!!!! Tomorrow, I leave for a 5 day trip to a volunteer´s site. She has been here for a year and I am totally excited to see what she has been doing in her town. Not looking forward to the 5 hour bus ride tho. Until I get back....adios for now!!

1 comment:

J. Morrison said...

How sweet to be teaching people in another language! You are learning so much but it sounds kinda frustrating at times with the whole organization bit... haha coley, you must have been going crazy with the lack of clear organization :) I can see you now all flustered and frazzled... but I can also see you learning to go with the flow in a new culture and adapting when things go astray. Missin you much and wishing you only the best in Nicaragua! ~HB and The Quaz