Thursday, September 13, 2007

¨Nothing should be prized more highly than the value of each day¨ -Goethe

Everything is going well in Nicaragua and we have almost made it through two weeks of training! Outside of Spanish class, environmental and medical charlas (lesson), we have introduced ourselves to directors and teachers in the local school, observed class and had our first meeting for a youth group that we are forming in our Pueblo. We had a great turn out with 41 kids ages 9-16 at our first meeting! For the next three months during training, we will be preparing and running different activities, games, and community projects with the youth group. It will be interesting to see how many will return to the following meetings as many are really just interested in us...¨the gringos!¨ We are slowly becoming a part of the communtity but are still objects of curiousity.

We are all working very hard at learning Spanish. By the end of the day, all the words are running together and my head is throbbing. It is easy to get frustrated and to forget that we have only been here two weeks. Already our Spanish has improved tremendously. The program is moving fast and little time is left for processing. One great thing here is that there are few distractions. Life is truly focused on staying healthy and acquiring all the knowledge necessary to become the best volunteer possible!

I am excited for this weekend! There will be many parades and activities as everyone is celebrating the day of Independence for Nicaragua. Also, my host family brother is taking us on a hike to a goregeous laguna that I got a glipse of last weekend! Fun festivities ahead! I hope everyone is well!



LH said...

Sounds like you are making good progress for only 2 weeks. Seems like you are also becoming quite philosophic. Tell your host family thanks from your friends and family back in the states and also tell them happy independence day.

J. Morrison said...

How fun to get to start working in the community! I agree with Liz... quite a philosophic view on life. I think McCraight would be proud.
~Much love from The Quaz and HB